These links will show you what PBJ can assist with enabling staff to improve their performance.
The ability of organisations to successfully use people is a key to the development and implementation of innovative ideas and the creation of successful outcomes.
The ability of people to develop appropriate expertise, work together, gain credibility and convince organisations to undertake change is a measure of their skill and perseverance. This requires organisations to encourage robust discussions and develop accountable relationships amongst individuals and work groups.
These links will show you what PBJ can assist with enabling staff to improve their performance.
PBJ & Associates works with organisations to develop roles and structures to enhance business performance.
One of the tools we use is Organisational Role Analysis.
Organisational Role Analysis (ORA) is a disciplined and focussed method to help people understand and develop the way they take up their work role and its authority, responsibilities, accountabilities and relationships. ORA uses one-on-one or small group consultation to provide a reflective space in which client and consultant can collaboratively explore and discover the way in which role is experienced by the individual in their work.
Distinctively, the ORA approach examines role rather than personality. Instead of focusing on the person and what they bring to the role, ORA construes the role within the wider system and context and explores how role, person, system and context are interrelated. It can serve as a powerful diagnostic tool both for discovering issues challenging the individual and the organisations and for problem solving.
ORA is a powerful leadership, coaching and consulting tool and can be used in a variety of different organisational settings. As the client progresses through the ORA, powers of insight and reflection are enhanced. An ORA brings clarity to the individual’s role and in so doing often liberates the client’s capacity to take up their role in ways that best serve both the aims of the organisation and individual.
The ORA was developed at the Grubb Institute (UK) over 20 years ago.
Mentoring is assisting people to improve in their role through the sharing of experience.
We provide the opportunity for mentoring by experienced professionals within the workplace at all levels of the organisation (worker, middle manager and executive). This can be done on a one-to-one basis or as a “roving mentor”.
We currently provide the “roving mentor” role within water authorities. The key facet relies on maintaining a secure environment where staff can discuss their performance and issues without fear of recrimination from the organisation. The mentor role is not to gather information on individuals for the organisation, or undertake an advocate role on behalf of individuals to the organisation. Rather the role is about facilitating emotional awareness and self-determination for the individual within the organisation.
However, where systemic issues are observed across the organisation, these are discussed with the executive.
Coaching is assisting people to improve in their role through the development of skills.
We can provide coaching to develop technical, project management, relational and administrative skills. In all our projects, we seek to improve the knowledge and performance of the organisation’s employees.
We currently run technical sessions on engineering, contracts and financial management, particularly related to the management of capital works programs. We can also develop skills for the improvement of managing meetings and workshops, making them more efficient and effective. This includes presentation training and understanding group dynamics and unconscious behaviour.
Leadership training involves helping people to take “leadership” and “followership” roles within groups. This may be in established workgroups or task specific project teams.
Our philosophy revolves around the concept of “task, time and territory”. Leaders need to able to clearly define the task/s for a group, the timeframe in which they are to be undertaken and boundaries associated with the management of the task. The boundaries include the physical space, internal relationships and external organisational influences. Followers need to understand and accept their role within the group, while feeling safe to explore improvements to the group’s performance.
Team building is the improvement of relationships within a group in order to improve role performance.
We can undertake specific team training exercises to identify team issues and improve processes within workgroups and between workgroups. We are able to perform a “current state analysis” of an organisation to determine systematic problems that are affecting the performance of individuals and workgroups.
We are able to assist with the recruitment of key employees into the organisations. Our focus is on determining the “fit” of individuals into organisations as a whole, not just the specific role. This includes aspects of developing a requisite diversity within the organisation to enable multiple perspectives in problem solving and improve workplace performance.
We are not a recruitment agency. However, we can assist managers and executives with the review of short listed candidates for key roles and ask the hard questions, especially delving into the unconscious bias that may exist among the evaluation team.