The management of wastewater and its by-products is a key component of a sustainable water cycle. Containment, reuse and recycling of wastewater products form the basis of management principles in use in the water industry today.
PBJ & Associates is experienced in all aspects of wastewater system management.
EPA Victoria has developed waste management principles which state that waste should be managed in accordance with its waste hierarchy, with avoidance being the most preferred option and disposal being the least.
PBJ & Associates provided key technical advice and assistance during the development of Melbourne Water’s Metropolitan Sewerage Strategy. We developed twenty year sewer system augmentation plans for Westernport Water, and assisted Coliban Water with its Recycled Water Quality Management Plan submission to the DoH and EPA.
Projects to develop design guidelines for new and existing pump stations have been completed for Coliban Water and Central Highlands Water.
PBJ & Associates have completed audits and condition assessments of sewer pump stations for its clients. The audits were undertaken to identify key condition and operational issued. The project output comprised condition assessment reports and spill table summaries (including eduction options) for each pump station. Eduction options and emergency storage requirements have been assessed for several clients.
Management planning for sewer flow monitoring, model calibration and rain gauge installation has been undertaken with clients. Plans for the management of inflow and infiltration investigations have been developed and options assessed.
Risk management of assets is used to provide operational redundancy, reduce the likelihood of interference with assets and with their control systems and to minimise the extent of malicious damage.
PBJ & Associates has assisted with the management of wastewater treatment plants. We have undertaken reviews of management plans, developed consultant briefs for detailed investigations and assisted with knowledge capture projects to enable efficient and effective operation and upgrade of the treatment plant when required.
Under the State Environment Protection Plan and the EPA reclaimed water guidelines, all reclaimed water infrastructure must be designed and constructed to contain all wastes in at least the 90th percentile wet year. To assess compliance with this requirement, an investigation of the reliability of winter storages and irrigation schemes has been undertaken at seven wastewater treatment plants using REALM modelling.
PBJ & Associates has assisted clients with the management of by-products, including the management of a tender for removal and disposal of biosolids, and the management of a contract for the supply and installation of a wastewater irrigation system at a wastewater treatment plant.
We have assisted with the submission of the Recycled Water Quality Management Plan for the Epsom Spring Gully Treatment Plant which required HACCP analysis, process documentation and planning for monitoring.
PBJ & Associates are experienced in wastewater collection planning and asset management. We can work with your organisation to plan wastewater systems and to optimise operations.
Containment is a key driver for all wastewater management activities and we can assist with the analysis and management of assets to meet regulatory requirements.